Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Molly's "Babies"

Molly has declared that she also has babies in her tummy.  She has two and they are both girls, Baby Hannah and Olivia (Hannah is the name of her doll and Olivia is her favorite book/cartoon character).  She has also told us that I am having girls as well.  Evidently, Jeremy will be quite outnumbered.

To quote Jeremy when he was informed of Molly's news: "We need to talk".

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Good News

For the last three weeks, we've sort of been on pins and needles because one of the babies was smaller than the other two.  Shelly, our goddess/nurse practitioner, told us it was a "watch".  Today, we got the good news that little "C" caught up and was actually slightly bigger than "A" and "B".  Whew! C's sac is still smaller than the other two's but baby is a good size.  I have three little beings in me each the size of grapes.

We also told Molly this weekend about our three and she was totally like, "Yeah, I know".  Um, no, sweetheart, you didn't know.  But, when you're three you can say whatever.