Thursday, September 30, 2010

To Barf or not to Barf?

That IS the question.  I hate throwing up.  But, at least when it's the flu or something you get that 15 minutes of feeling good after throwing up.  With this pregnancy, there is no glory period.  Or, if there is, it's about 30 seconds to 1 minute.  So, does barfing help?  I wish I knew.

My new mantra is "It's all about the babies".  I'm going to keep saying it until I believe it.  If you see me mumbling to myself, you'll know why.  Especially when my face is green and I have my head in my hands.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Morning Sickness?

Yeah, right.  Morning sickness is an all-day event for me.  I've spent the last two weekends on the couch.  It takes quite the gumption to get up for work.  Minimal hair and make-up.  I'm happy to get my hair dry and dust on some powder (NOT my normal routine at all).  I pray when I go to work that I don't hurl in front of the kids.  Standing up and I are not BFF's.  I avoid it whenever possible.  My ears also plug up easily.  It's amazing how three little tic-tacs can cause such a ruckus.

Friday, September 24, 2010


After a rocky start to the pregnancy, we soon learned we will be having triplets. Yes, triplets. In a world where having multiples is on every TV show, maybe you'd think it would be no big deal. Well, we're here to tell you that it IS a big deal!
We're a normal family. We have a pre-schooler. We both work. We make ends meet. We're freaking out a little.

Hopefully, if I can keep up with it, this will be the place where I tell the story of 3+3=6.